Chromium helps diabetes?

Chromium is an essential mineral. Good food sources include whole grains, black pepper, grape juice, broccoli and foods cooked in stainless steel.

Chromium helps your body clear sugar from your blood. Most Americans don’t eat enough chromium. In addition, people with diabetes lose more chromium from their body. This may be why about 40% of people with diabetes are low in chromium.

A recent review of 15 studies totaling 1,505 people with diabetes has found that chromium picolinate helps:

  • Lower average blood sugar by 29 points, fasting blood sugar by 15%, and blood sugar levels after eating by 19%.

  • Lower insulin levels by 30% when fasting, 15% after eating.

  • Improve insulin sensitivity by up to 72%.

  • Use less diabetes medicine and may decrease weight gain caused by certain diabetes medicines.

  • Lower cholesterol 11-13% and may lower blood fats 17%.

  • Improve the way the heart beats (shortens QTc intervals) which can lower the risk of stroke and heart attack.

  • Prevent and treat diabetes caused by corticosteroids.

Amount? 200-1000 mcg a day as chromium picolinate. “USP” or “NSF” on the label is a mark of good quality. May take 3 months for full effect.


  • Talk with your health care provider first. You may get low blood sugar if you take chromium and diabetes pills both. Keep an eye on your blood sugars.

  • Don’t take chromium pills if you have kidney or liver problems.

  • Side effects are uncommon, but you may get headache, insomnia or mood changes. Use with caution if you have bipolar, depression or schizophrenia.

  • Interactions: Take calcium pills 2 hours apart from chromium pills. Heartburn medications and antacids may also decrease absorption. Vitamin C and niacin boost absorption.

-Sara Lee Thomas, RD, 3/2007

Minor editorial revisions by J. Thomas, 2016